Sunday, August 10, 2008

Football Practice

As many of you know, I start back to school in a little over a week. Since none of your children will be in my class this year, I can honestly tell you I am less than excited about going back to work. This afternoon I had to go to my classroom to do some preparing for the little darlings to arrive and left Trevor to play with his daddy while I was gone. When I got home from my school, I discovered Trevor on the couch and Brad actually throwing a football (don't worry it was a soft one) to him on the couch and showing him how to catch it with his arms up. Brad is convinced that he is capable of putting his arms up and protecting his face from the ball. Me on the other hand, I witnessed the soft ball hit his face a few times and decided that football practice should be over. It was pretty darn cute, I must admit!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Trevor is so cute! HIs little face is adorable where Brad threw the ball at him!