Sunday, March 8, 2009

Rollin' to the Park!

We finally bought bikes for Brad and I and put together the bike trailer that Trevor got for Christmas. He was a little unsure at first, but once Brad started to pedal, he loved it!

Then we went to this cute little park by our house that we didn't know existed with Trevor's buddy Cash. It's built on some kind of soft turf that doesn't hurt when you fall....(Trevor tried out the falling to make sure) It was so fun, I'm sure there will be many more visits!

After Trevor was tired out we headed home. Notice the BIG yawn!!

1 comment:

Name: Josh and Amy said...

Such a cute Yawn photo. Trev looks like he'd rather not wear his helmet, but he's too tired to try to remove it :-)

PS I hear someone has a BIG b-day coming this Friday!