Saturday, November 1, 2008

Ha-a-a-a-ppppy Ha-a-a-a-lloween

Trevor was a billygoat for Halloween. He especially loved the hair on his chinny-chin-chin. He pulled at it the entire 20 minutes he had his costume on. He went trick-or-treating with his buddy Cash around our neighborhood. Cash got the treats and Trevor tagged along.

Thanks to The Van Alen's for loaning Trevor such an adorable and unique costume!


Sarah said...

LOVE IT!! So adorable, your right Ava and Trevor would have went well together! :)

Jim S said...

Great costume! Billy goat gruff...not. He's a cutie.

Name: Josh and Amy said...

Hey, who's this Sherblon leaving comments. Must be Erin, or my dad?
Trev makes a good billy goat ... too bad babies can't walk around the backyard eating up the weeds.